Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reflections on Sondra Perl's "Understanding Composing"

I found Sondra Perl's essay to be very helpful. As I was reading I found myself in agreement with so much of what she was saying and I recalled writing works of my own where I'd practiced the term used to describe the focus of writer's attention called "felt sense" practically every time. My own strategies for writings were brought to mind as I read along and she really pin-points so many of the writing process realities that take place while composing. It was interesting to see the ways you formulate your own writing structure actually written in words as she has. It really amazes how so many thought's can come into your mind while you're totally unconscious of it. The guidelines she creates are quite interesting and I think people should be open to trying a new approach to writing especially if their traditional way seems unsuccessful. It's very easy to become distracted while writing so, what she has written are great tools to becoming even greater writers.


  1. Giselle, I also found Perl’s guidelines and strategies to be very helpful, and representative of my own writing process. I would really like to know your thoughts on Perl’s two other concepts: retrospective and projective structuring. Do you think these ideas work independently from felt sense? Or do they work hand in hand? Also like felt sense, are they something that you already had in your writing process? Or are they something you are willing to experiment and incorporate into your existing process?

  2. Hi Giselle! I too am amazed at how many thoughts can flow into you mind unconciously, but now that we have learned what the "felt sense" is, we can now better understand the heavy flow of thoughts. It is part of our "inner speech". Our minds are constantly working. I agree that people should try Sondra Pearl's approach to writing if the traditional way is not successful for them.

  3. What exactly did you find yourself in agreement with when you read Sondra Perl's Understanding Composing? I too liked feel like many things come to mind especially when I am supposed to be doing homework. I start wondering what I am going to do this weekend, things I have to do for other classes ect. That is why I think it is very important to do as Perl says--CLEAR YOUR MIND FROM ALL DISTRACTIONS! I recommend reading Sondra Perl's Guidelines (it is also in the course packet.) I found that it is very helpful!
